Friday, September 17, 2010

Schematic Simple PIC RF/Microwave Frequency Counter

PIC RF/Microwave Frequency Counter
This RF/Microwave Frequency Counter project built based on PIC 16F876A. The basic counter rate is extended to at least 180MHz using two 74Fxx devices. A divide-by-64 prescaler is used for higher frequencies up to at least 4.5GHz. All results of the measurement are shown on an inexpensive, 2x16 alphanumeric LCD module with large characters.

There are 3 inpust on this project a microwave (prescaled) input, an RF input and a TTL input. The microwave and RF inputs are AC coupled and terminated to a low impedance (around 50ohms). The TTL input is DC coupled and has a high input impedance. A progress-bar indicator is provided on the LCD for the gate timing.

Both the microwave and RF inputs have an additional feature : a simple signal-level detector driving yet another bar indicator on the LCD module. This is very useful to check for the correct input-signal level as well as an indicator for circuit tuning or absorption-wave-meter dip display (Lecher wires). This project designed by Matjaz Vidmar.

tag : RF counter, Microwave Frequency counter, PIC project source
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Schematic Smartphone AVR DTMF Remote Control

AVR Smartphone project

This project based on Microcontroller AVR ATtiny 2313 and SmartPhone as main part. The project can controls 3 relays by DTMF sounds emitted by a Smartphone. Emilio, the designer, said that this project useful for controlling, for example a rover, using relay as motor power switches.

The Smartphone (with Windows Mobile 6 OS) can run as web server with capture ability and send the picture to the client via internet. Other features of this circuit is the Smartphone can also moved and controlling motors with his speaker, emitting the correct dial tones in relation to GET requests from internet client. It's not necessary to make any connection from the phone to the circuit, because the phone connects "wireless" using the sound.

You can download test program written for smartphone WM6, schematic, and hex file here

Tag: DTMF Remote, Smartphone, Wireless Remote, Remote control, AVR project

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